Monday, June 8, 2009

04 / 06 / 2009 - 07 / 06 / 2009

Sry PPL was busy & tired this few days

By right going swimming de but they are not in the mood, so went to wash up & use the com. 12.30pm the potter came so load all our bag up. Before went down, went to finish all our lychee that brought ytd. Aunt Rose friend was so kind that book a big bus to send us to airport, reach airport check in with the help of intercontinental staff. We are luck that our luggage did not over weight, went into the airport for last min shopping & eat my breakfast haha. Soon the departure time arrive & was such a mix feeling to leave Hong Kong. Arrive Singapore, went to purchase our liqueur, wine & beer. Help Shuyi brought DOM for her Ahma as she was under age. Went back home with her parent by cab.

05/ 06
Wake up early, went to Grandmother house. Went back home before lunch, saw my commander neighbour & he chat with me about army. Went down to company to pass them present & help out for the camp they have. Went to NTUC & purchase fruit, back slack with them & chit chat. Went to Liangseng to collect my gee & cab down to training. Training was ok lor, abit sian but no choice. After training went to makan at Arjunied MRT, cab home after that.

Went down to company to help out. Have lunch first, after lunch went to carry table back & up to boss house for spring roll making section. We were fast, Zhibin first time making it & I guess that he was having fun. Help out to cut watermelon & deep fry spring roll, bring down all the food by myself. Soon the programme start & we went to set up for the food, having fun to chat with them really miss it. Run away fast, thanks to David, was dam busy during that time. Went home to take my bag & cab down to training, was slack during training section as sir didn’t went down. After training went to JP ( Jurong Point ) to eat BK ( Burger King ), after makan went to caught a movie but before that went to NTUC for shopping. Went to watch Terminator Salvation is about:” Set in 2018, the film focuses on the original war between the human race and the Terminator computer network, Sky net. After destroying almost the entire human race on Earth in a nuclear holocaust, a group of survivors led by John Connor stands up to the war and together they struggle to keep those machines at bay and from completely wiping away the human race”. After movie cab back home with David & Jiayong.

Wake up late, use the com first went I wake up dam long nv use le. Meet up David at my house & cab down to MS. Went to Liangseng again to check on my gee but still not ready yet WTF, meet them up at crocs shop. We are going to watch Blood: The Last Vampire today, is about: On the surface, Saya is a stunning 16-year-old, but that youthful exterior hides the tormented soul of a 400-year-old 'halfling.' Born to a human father and a vampire mother, she has for centuries been a loner obsessed with using her samurai skills to rid the world of vampires, all the while knowing that she herself can survive only on blood like those she hunts. When she is sent onto an American military base in Tokyo by the clandestine organisation she works for, Saya immediately senses that this may be her opportunity to finally destroy Onigen, the evil patriarch of all vampires. Using her strength and her sword, she begins to rid the base of its evil infestation in a series of spectacular and elaborate showdowns. However, it is not until she forms her first human friendship in centuries with the young daughter of the base's general that Saya learns of her greatest power over Onigen may well be her ability for human connection. It some hw became abit funny & Jiayong was keep on laughing I don’t know why. After movie went to Citylink to makan New Taiwan restaurant, the food was not bad. Went to walk around Citylink, brought myself 3 CD in HVM that cause me $55+++ OMG. Accompany Joel to POSB bank to deposit his money, OMG his money kana eat by the machine so call the operator for help. They say they will sms him once the problem solve, after that went home.

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