Monday, February 9, 2009

06 / 02 / 2009


Finally I am graduated, wake up at 7.30am today wash up, bath pack bag slack awhile & off I am cab down to Dover ITE. Reach ITE Dover contact bro & change, went to register & went into the auditorium. All was wearing smart clothing, but we Chef U, but we were proud of our uniform right??? Saw a lots of familiar’s faces, feeling high & low, slowly friend entering, sirs too have a lots of chit chat with them. Finally the event started, watch some performance then one by one wait to get our graduating certificate. Even though the waiting time was long, but is feeling good. After that went to an open area to have some snack, chit chat with friend & sirs I enjoy it very much. Have lots of photo taking before we went home. Shaun & Chaoyin came to my house to play, we take away KFC to makan. They left at 4.15pm, went to have a nap before going to TKD, we feel like TKD kid is changing OMG. After training went to makan they slack chit chat until 12.45pm then cab home.

Still remember first day of sch, I enter the wrong class. After joining back the class you all think that I too sia lan sabo me to be ur class rep. The day we spent after sch. The group we dived in. The event that both group done. The happy & sad we share. No matter wat after today, all of you will still be my bro, sis or friend no matter wat, we will still stay in contact right??? Find time to go out together right???

To Girl : All the best to the futher, relationship, family, work, study… …

To Boy : All the best too, relationship, family, work, study but let us clear the NS first, let chiong all the way.

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