Tuesday, April 14, 2009

13 / 04 / 2009

Wake up, was so tired. Was slacking & chit chatting at home before going out to CDC ( Comfort Driving Center ). Went to do the E- Trial test before my FTT saw Changyi over there, my sec sch friend have a chat. NB I was very worry for myself, because I have fail more than half of the E – trial test hw to pass my FTT sia. But all the worry is useless, I pass my FTT & went to apply PDL. I am dam early for training, so slack there watch ppl playing basketball. Got one pro sia 10 balls 9 enter the net. Thanks to Anli came down early to accompany me, training was shiok, sir starting to train us for competitions le ba. I don’t know that I have continual running for 25min sia & can take sir training today. Starting of the class was thinking that I will give up half way but I didn’t. After training Zian meet us for dinner, so went to makan behind Anli house. The food was still ok lor, chat about pattern & stuff … blah blah blah & Zian send us home. Friday will be a tiring day for me, need to clear the TKD room again.

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