Sunday, April 19, 2009

17 / 04 / 2009

Well wake up slack around done some TKD account off I goes, cross the road saw a girl that wearing the same shirt as I. Look carefully was Anli, she went to see maguang with her mother. We going down early to clean the room, she also taking part but because she need to pei her mother to makan so I allow her to be late. Cab down, meet a tl girl, she was waiting for a cab so I let her took a cab first la as she was there first. She flag for the first two cab that got person taking, after that three empty cab came & she doesn’t bother to flag sia. So I was so tl I walk up to the taxi stand & wait, board the cab & went off saw her still waiting haha. Reach CC start to move the stuff out, clean here & there wash the floor. Lots of things happen that make us tl, don’t wan to say la. In the end David & I pon the training because we still haven pack finish our stuff & move the unused metal cupboard. Training end, cab down to Bukit Timah to makan. Reach home around 12am +++, was so tired that don’t wish to blog so sry.

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