Monday, April 27, 2009

25 / 04 / 2009

Wake up, as usual. Have MOS Burger for breakfast, cab down to Yuhua as I was late & I need to take class. End the class early as they have dance program going on, very noisy & ppl keep on walking past the class to interrupt. Accompany Bantian to SPC to withdraw money & down to Beauty World to meet up his army friend for dinner. The food was nice & delicious, especially the fish head. After makan went down to NTC to meet up with the rest, as they have the referee test today. After they makan send Uncle Bobby & Qiwei home first, so they rest went to Home Team NS to have a bowling section. Left Home Team NS at 2am +++, went to a nearby petrol station to refill petrol, so brought myself some ice-cream & drink. As usual after our entire program is eating section, so went to Geylang to eat frog porridge. After that Zian send us home.


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