Wednesday, April 15, 2009

14 / 04 / 2009

Well wake up, play PSP & watch TV until night, was walking to Cityhall Zian call me asking where am I. I was so luckily, because his OT was cancel so can send me down liao lor haha. So meet him near IT mall, was have traffic jam at AYE luckily we were not late for training. Wa sian have a little training with them but I feel very tired worh OMG hai. After training Zian friend wanted to meet him de, but in the end was cancel. Went to my house nearby to makan dinner then Zian send me home.
O ya I know when I going NS le thank to Joel last night message me the website to check out.

Good morning Mr LIM WEI NAN.

Your enlistment is between June 2009 till November 2009. An enlistment notice will be sent to you two months before your enlistment date. For further enquiries, please call our Call Center at 1800-3676767 or email to us at


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