Saturday, April 25, 2009

< 24 / 04 / 2009 >

Hmm, my feeling was up & down nw, shall say later in my post. Wake up at early & fall back slp again. Went to play PS3 & com as really nth much to do. Training was so sian, because I was in charge sir was going through the referee hand signal with them again. So I cannot train so sian hai. First time see sir went home so late, all of us sit at the basketball court until all the light was switch off. Went to makan & wait for Joel, slack & chit chat & I found out that is already 1+++am so faster finish our drink & went to send Anli home. After that walk out & cab home.

The letter I was waiting has finally been send to my house today, but once I receive it my feeling was up & down. Ya happy was that I can go Hong Kong with Joel, Shuyi & Uncle Bobby family. Faster do finish my army. But sian was I go army wat can I really need to do??? Lots of “???” came to my mind after have a chat with Jarome & Shaun ytd. Should I sign on??? … … this kind of feeling was wired, don’t know wat to say nw. Going Pulau Tekong camp 1 on 16 June WISH ME GOOD LUCK PPLS.

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