Wednesday, May 13, 2009

12 / 05 / 2009

Wake up at 9.30am today, went to see a doc because of my cough, flu & throat. Went home eat breakfast then chat with my elders, use com & play PS3. Went to slp as the med make me sleepy, wake up at 4.30pm drag myself up. Pack bag slack & off to meet Uncle Bobby at Bugis, he is sending me down to training as he is fetching Aunt Rose too. Chat lots of stuff on the way, went to Uncle Bobby house first to let him change & put his stuff. Went to give back two arrant fish if I am not wrong back to the shop as it bit Uncle Bobby goldfish. Training was still ok lor, we were shock when we saw sir. After training we to makan then Zian send us home.

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