Monday, May 18, 2009

16 / 05 / 2009

Wake up early than normal, went to Makan breakfast brought by aunt. Meet Anli at 2.30pm de but she said change to 3pm, so went to play PS3 to spend my time. Went to Liangseng to collect my gee, have lots of chat with her. Went to have Coffee Bean at Suntec while waiting for David, cab down to Yuhua for training. Indian was having wedding at CC, so our training was been held at the void deck. Training was still ok ba; until the end was been force to spar with Anli. Went to Jurong Point, was thinking wat to makan. Went to ate Thai Express, slack, chit chat … … Went to walk around while Zian send us home. He meets his friend near my house, so we end the day early.

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