Friday, May 15, 2009

13 / 05 / 2009

Hate my life nw was so boring, I know entering NS will be more boring but no choice. Wake up at 4.30pm today still can continual to slp wan Papa keep on nag, use the com & off I goes. Down to help Shimu out again, David was late as usual. Training was ok lor, need to drink more tonics. No matter hw I say they just don’t listen & ask, keep on give up easily. After training slack & play PSP while Shimu went to pass me her thumb drive. Done was meeting Joel & Shuyi de, but they changing their mind half way through. Cab down, went to my house nearby de roti prata shop to makan, after makan slack awhile & went home le. Internets have been sux this few days & this few nights have been feeling the same way hai, hope that two year later u would still remember me & we will still stay in contact.

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