Friday, May 29, 2009

25/5 - 28/5

Sry ppl was so busy & tired this few days so nv came on9 & blog.

As usual but my family was making rice dumpling the second days. Today was hotter than ytd so the whole days I am staying in my room with air-con on haha, watch DVD & use the com. Around 7pm Dabo sent me to training, training was sux one person taking the whole class. After training play football & went to makan. Wa long time nv play football le worh.

Wake up early got to work today, went to finish up all the work that I haven finish. Need to pack all her past year brochures & programmed sheet was donkey much, pack half way was ask to continual with the calling of sch to ask whether wanna watch the show. Was dam boring lor, not my job in the end went to do knn. MLS was crazy this few days, sometime happy sometime angry. Keep on nag at us, end work at 6pm call uncle Bobby then he say he came to fetch me. Went down to training, was still ok lor. After training went to makan then cab home.

27 / 5
Went to work, pack the past year brochures & programmed sheet again. Spent the whole day doing that, End work went home bath & change cab down to RC help out Shimu le. Training was sian lor, after training went to slack at sir office. Heard that the food hawker extend open till July by the dessert aunt, but a lots of the stall still close le.

28 / 5
Went to work, went to paint the classroom & spent me whole days again haha. After paint went to does this & that & went home. Use the com finally 4 days nv use le leh, use half way went to pack my luggage for my Hong Kong trip.


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