Sunday, May 31, 2009

30 / 05 / 2009 ( Day 1 )

I am in Hong Kong nw, using Joel com. Woke up at 6.45am to check my luggage again. Went off at 7.35am sharp took a cab down to Changi Airport T3, I am the first wan to reach lor say wanna eat breakfast, eat lunch la haha. Went to have a drink with parent at Yakun first, sooner Joel, Shuyi & her mother reach so went to check in first. Went to NTUC to purchase some sweet & went over to Popeyes chicken to have our breakfast. Anli, David, Jiayong & Zian came to send us, was so touching haha. Went in walk here & there & off we goes. Reach Hong Kong early as we expected, Aunt Rose already book a private van to pick us up. Went to Tung Chung to shop first, the shopping was name as the cheapest ba but nth strike my eye. Went to Check in the hotel, the room was super nice. Went to the Club floor to eat free dinner haha, slack in the hotel all the way. Watch Chelsea VS Everton together & we won yep. Going to post photo soon ba, but if u wanna u can go to Shuyi blog to view some first =).

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